9 October 2019 10:30am - 3:00pm

Ireland has declared a climate and biodiversity emergency.
Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities, the new strategy to support the community and voluntary sectors in Ireland, includes an objective to support community development and local development to engage with Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies.
There is an increasing awareness of the importance of awareness and action at community level.
Join us to explore community work and human rights approaches to Climate Action.
Speakers will include:
- John Sweeney, Emeritus Professor of Geography, Maynooth University, and international expert on Climate Change
- Anastasia Crickely, Human Rights, the Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Action
- Paul Geraghty, Department of Rural and Community Development
- Ann Irwin, Community Work Ireland
The seminar will be followed by the CWI Annual General Meeting.
The seminar is free of charge but places are limited and early registration is advised.
Participation Welcome!
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 16-22 Green Street D07 CR20 Dublin 7